Fastlane Configuration in iOS

Mahdi Saedi
3 min readSep 13, 2022


According to the previous article Fastlane Magic in iOS, you should have a vision of Fastlane in this article, we didn't spend time explaining Fastlane.

Fastlane Init Issue

first things first, we’ll solve the issue that may happen when we init Fastlane, $ bundle update.

if you have this issue, stop the Terminal current process ( using control + C ).

terminal should be in your project folder then run

sudo bundle update

then delete Fastlane Folder + Gemfile + Gemfile.lock . then run

fastlane init

Appfile Configuration

The Appfile store’s useful information is used across all fastlane tools like your Apple ID or the application Bundle Identifier, to deploy your lanes faster and tailored to your project needs.

The Appfile has to be inside your ./fastlane directory

if you’re running manual configuration Appfile will

# app_identifier(“[[APP_IDENTIFIER]]”) # The bundle identifier of your app
# apple_id(“[[APPLE_ID]]”) # Your Apple Developer Portal username
# For more information about the Appfile, see:

Appfile For one Bundle Identifier

if you have one scheme and one bundle identifier this can be your Appfile Config

app_identifier("YOUR_APP_BUNDLE") # The bundle identifier of your app
apple_id("YOUR_DEVELOPER_ACCOUNT") # Your Apple Developer Portal username

itc_team_id("YOUR_ITUNES_CONNECT_TEAM_ID") # App Store Connect Team ID
team_id("YOUR_DEVELOPER_TEAM_ID") # Developer Portal Team ID

to get itc_team_id open then search for contentProviderId .

Appfile for Multi Bundle Identifier

if you have a multi bundle identifier and multi scheme your Appfile Config will be a bit different in this section, we will focus on Multi Bundle. we can have a specific config for each platform or each lane.

Example: I have a project with multi bundle identifiers and multi platform, this can be my Appfile

for_platform :ios do

for_lane :build_Dev do

with this configuration, we can have multiple lanes and special configurations for each lane.

Fastfile Configuration

The Fastfile stores the automation configuration that can be run with fastlane.


before_all will get executed before running the requested lane.

before_all do |lane|
cocoapods # Runs pod install for the project


after_all will get executed after running the requested lane.

after_all do |lane|
message: "Successfully submitted new App Update"
) # Send a success/error message to your Slack group


error will get executed when an error occurs in any of the blocks.

error do |lane, exception|
message: "Something went wrong with the deployment.",
success: false,
payload: { "Error Info" => exception.error_info.to_s }

import another Fastfile

you can import another Fastfile with two methods:

  1. import from local path
  2. import from git

import from local Path

import "../OtherFastfile"

import from git

url: ''
url: '',
path: 'fastlane/Fastfile'

Fastlane Actions

Fastlane has many actions that we can't introduce of them in this article you can find your specific action on the Fastlane Actions Page.

Fastlane Exit Status

Exit Status 70

Exit Status 70, in Build_app :

Error Domain=IDEProfileLocatorErrorDomain Code=1 “No profiles for ‘YOUR_BUNDLE’ were found” UserInfo={IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=No profiles for ‘YOUR_BUNDLE’ were found, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Xcode couldn’t find any iOS App Store provisioning profiles matching ‘YOUR_BUNDLE’. Automatic signing is disabled and unable to generate a profile. To enable automatic signing, pass -allowProvisioningUpdates to xcodebuild.}

if you get this Exit Status, Open Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts and click your developer account that conform to this Bundle, then check your login status.

Exit Status 65

if you get Exit status 65, Open Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts and click your developer account and click Download Manual Profiles.

Upload To TestFlight Or App Store

when you run upload_to_testflight fastlane will ask for your Apple ID and Apple ID password, if your account two-step authentication is enabled, it asks you to generate an App-Specific Password, open -> Sign-In and Security -> App-Specific Passwords

Click on Generate an App-Specific Password and name it, then copy your App-Specific Password and paste it into Terminal.

